Driver's Education Endorsement Courses – Supplemental Information

To see what classes are being offered, please click on the Master Schedule, and check both Starkville and Online Education campuses:

If you have previously taken classes at Mississippi State University, the procedure for coming back to MSU is to readmit through the Registrar’s Office.

If you have not previously taken classes at Mississippi State University, you will need to apply through our Admissions Department. Be sure to let them know you are a non-traditional student admitting for the sole purpose of getting a teaching endorsement. They should be able to direct you to the website and advise as to the proper application to complete.

**Once you have admitted or readmitted and been told by either the Admissions Office or the Registrar’s Office that you have been admitted, readmitted, or issued a Registration Access Screen, please contact Missy Moyen for registration release.

If you are already a teacher, chances are you may have already completed Emergency Health Care or First Aid. If so, please contact Dr. Donna Shea, who is the Director of Clinical/Field-Based Instruction, Licensure & Outreach to make the inquiry as to whether the class you took can be counted for credit. You may be required to send Dr. Shea a copy of your transcripts, and perhaps a syllabus for the course to determine equivalency. Dr. Shea can be reached via email or via phone, at 662-325-7684.