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Sport Marketing and Management

Research in sport marketing and management is established on the notion that understanding sport consumers is critical for successfully managing sport business or operating sporting events, and thus; examines factors that influence sport consumption and participation behaviors. This line of thought is extended through the efforts in connecting theory, analytics, and practice in the sport industry.

Primary Associated Faculty

Associated Doctoral Students

Associated Master's Students

  • NA

Research Emphases

  • Sport Marketing
  • Sport Management
  • Sport Analytics
  • Relationship Quality
  • Sport Consumer Behavior
  • Management Efficiency
  • Sport Sponsorship
  • Sport Volunteer Management

Recent Publications

Graduate Student Publications & Theses

  • Lee, Y., & Kim, D. (R&R). The influence of technological interactivity and media sociability on sport consumer value co-creation behavior via collective efficacy and collective intelligence. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.
  • Kim, D., Benavides-Espinoza, C., LaVetter, D., Sung, J., & Choi, M. (2016). Impact of the smart device interactivity on the co-creation of value in the sport industry. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(2), 287-296.
  • Kim, D., Kim, J., & Shin, H. (2010). A study on the spatial distribution characteristics and accessibility of public athletic facilities in Daegu. Korean Society for Sport Management, 15(5), 33-48.
  • Kim, D., Kim, J., & Choi, M. (2009). A study on efficient establishment of eco-friendly golf courses along the waterfront. Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 35, 147-158.
  • Kim, D. (2014). The impact of smart device’s interactivity on consumer activity in the sports industry (Unpublished master’s thesis). Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR.
  • Kunkel, T., Doyle, J., & Na, S. (2020). Becoming more than an athlete: Developing an athlete’s personal brand using strategic philanthropy. European Sport Management Quarterly. 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/16184742.2020.1791208 
  • Na, S., Kunkel, T., & Doyle, J. (2020). Exploring athlete brand image development on social media: The role of signaling through source credibility. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(1), 88-108. 
  • Na, S., Su, Y., & Kunkel, T. (2019). Do not bet on your favourite football team: The influence of fan identity-based biases and sport context knowledge on game prediction accuracy. European Sport Management Quarterly, 19(3), 396-418. 
  • Pizzo, A. D., Baker, B. J., Na, S., Lee, M. A., Kim, D., & Funk, D. C. (2018). eSport vs. Sport: A comparison of spectator motives. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 27(2), 108-123. 
  • Na, S. & Kim, B. (2012). The influence of marketing strategy of martial arts performance on spectators’ satisfaction and recommendation intention of foreign tourists. Korean Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 49, 1-12. 
  • Na, S. (2014). The influence of marketing mix variables on Taekwondo participants' satisfaction and post-purchase behavior (Unpublished master's thesis). Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. 
  • Na, S. (2010). Relationship between marketing strategy, spectators’ satisfaction, and recommendation intention of martial arts performance (Unpublished master's thesis). Korea National Sport University, Seoul, Korea. 
  • Markoski, Z. (2010, December 16). Legal regulation of renewable energy sources. [Master's thesis]. Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus". 

Selected Faculty Publications

  • Kim, Y., Lee, S., & Lee, Y. (In print). Sequential effects of indirect, direct, and virtual sport experience on sport consumers. Sport Marketing Quarterly. [SSCI].
  • Chen, C-C., Ryuh, Y. J., Lee, Y., & Kim, M. Examining Different Foci of Attention on Golf Putting Performance in Novice Learners. (In print). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. [SSCI].
  • Kim, J., Lee, Y., & Kim, M. (In print). Investigating ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO) as an extrinsic motive affecting sport event consumer’s behavioral intention and FOMO-driven consumption’s influence on intrinsic rewards, extrinsic rewards, and consumer satisfaction. PLoS one. [SCI].
  • Kim. M., Lee. Y., & Kim, J. (2020) Examining the Job Identity of Equestrian Leader and its Antecedent Variables. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 29(3), 151-161. [KCI].
  • Lee, Y., Yun, L., Kim, M., & Washington, M. (2020). A Qualitative Systematic Review of Public-Private Partnership in Promoting Physical Activity. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 43(2), 90-104. [SSCI].
  • Lee. Y., Kim, M., Koo, J., & Won, H-J. (2019). Sport Volunteer Service Performance, Image formation, and Service Encounters. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 20(2), 307-320. [SSCI].
  • Chen, C. C. J., Ryuh, Y. J., Fang, Q., Lee, Y., & Kim, M. L. (2019). The Effects of Inclusive Soccer Program on Motor Performance and Sport Skill in Young Adults with and without Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 31(4), 487-499. [SSCI].
  • Koo, J., & Lee, Y. (2019). Sponsor-event congruence effects: The moderating role of sport involvement and mediating role of sponsor attitudes. Sport Management Review, 22(2), 222-234. [SSCI].
  • Chen, C.C., J., Lim, S., Lee, Y., & Kim, M. (2019).  Psychological Benefits of Inclusive Soccer Program in Young Adults with and without Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 31(6), 847-861. [SSCI].
  • Lee, Y., & Kim, M. (2018). Serious leisure characteristics of older adult volunteers: the case of an international sporting event. World Leisure Journal, 60(1), 45–57. [SCOPUS].
  • Lee, Y., Love, A., Eddy T., & Young, M. (2018). Team Identification, Rivalry Perceptions, and Behaviors of College Football Fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 41(4), 402-423. [PsychINFO].
  • Pan Z, Su X, Fang Q, Hou L, Lee Y, Chen CC, Lamberth, J., & Kim, M. (2018) The Effects of Tai Chi Intervention on Healthy Elderly by Means of Neuroimaging and EEG: A Systematic Review. Front. Aging Neurosci. 10,110. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00110. [SSCI].