Research in organizational and event management in sport focuses on understanding the descriptive and normative aspects of sports organizations and the events they hold. That is, the way they are organized and run and the way they ought to be organized and run. This is important because theory and practice don’t always align and because even if they do, current practice may be mistaken, inefficient or even unjust. Research areas include but are not limited to investigating, sport policy, administrative organization and human resource issues, marketing, as well as sales and event sponsorship issues.
Primary Associated Faculty
Associated Doctoral Students
- NA
Associated Master's Students
- NA
Research Emphases
- Sport Event Management
- Sport Program Organization
- Empowerment in Sport
- Gender Issues in Sport
Recent Publications
Graduate Student Publications, Dissertations & Theses
Selected Faculty Publications
- Lim, S.Y., & Dixon, M.A. (2017). Exploring the capacity of sport for empowering women: A conceptual framework. Associações de Gestão Esportiva (ALGEDE) Journal.
- Chung, K.-S., & Lim, S.Y. (2016). Immigrants’ sport participation: The antecedents and consequences of organisational commitment and ethnic identity amongst Koreans in the U.S. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation.
- Chung, K.-S., Green, B. C., Lim, S. Y., & Harshaw, C. E. (2016). What should NASCAR events include to attract new fans? Developing university students’ fanship. International Journal of Sport Management, 17, 273-293.
- Heere, B., Kim, C.Y., Yoshida, M., Ogura, T., Chung, K., Lim, S. Y., Nakamura, H. (2012). The impact of World Cup 2002 on the bilateral relationship between South Korea and Japan. Journal of Sport Management, 26, 127-142.
- Lim, S. Y., Warner, S., Dixon, M., Kim, C.Y., Berg, B.K., & Newhouse-Bailey, M. (2011). Sport participation across national contexts: A multilevel investigation of individual and systemic influences on adult sport participation. European Sport Management Quarterly, 11, 197-224.
- Green, B. C., Lim, S. Y., Seo, W. J. & Sung, Y. (2010). Effects of cultural exposure through pre-event media. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 15, 89-102.